原本以為回來香港讀master終於可以享受一年校園時光,結果情況卻如現在如此大檸樂。最近很多人問我如何走資避險,結果我覺得還是把我的看法直接寫出來吧。 坊間有許多辦法,例如經各大銀行開離岸戶口,經虛擬銀行以及虛擬找換集團和證券商來兌換貨幣和走資避險。 以下將會一一分析:
1.銀行,沒錯,國際性銀行是可以開離岸戶口的,例如HSBC, Citi,但是門檻非常高。如果閣下有過千萬流動資產,請無視我前一句話,你可以去吧。
好處:安全,方便,靈活 壞處:門檻高
2.虛擬銀行,麻煩:往往都是給你debit card, 提款要手續費 好處: 比較安全,低門檻 壞處:麻煩,電匯入金和提款涉及費用 3.虛擬找換集團,麻煩:往往都是給你debit card, 提款要手續費,不安全,缺乏保障 好處:匯率比較好 壞處:提款要手續費,不安全,缺乏保障 4.證券商(以IB为例), 比較安全,中門檻(10-25K USD) 好處:匯率比較好,比較安全(雖然不受SPIC保障,但是IB的資產淨值和市值比很多中小型銀行大),方便(可以以港元支票免費入金),靈活 壞處:中門檻(10-25K USD),收月費(25歲以下3 USD,其他10USD,可抵扣交易佣金)
結論,我當然還是用我用了多年的IB啦,反正月費是沉沒成本,那麼問題來了,到底放IB就安全了嗎?為了解答這個問題我就以Is IBHK as safe as other IB branches regarding current HK political crisis?為題寫了一個inquiry給IB問了他們三個問題
1. Where is our non-HKD cash deposited? In a US licensed bank or a HK one?
2.Would we be allow to withdraw our money outside HK using non-HK bank accounts?3.Would the IBHK account holder as save as those account holders in other IB branches what if worst situation happen to HK (such as status of special administrative region is deprived and foreign exchange control is imposed) regarding our non-HKD cash and non-HK asset?
IBCS 2019/09/09 23:41:27Dear Mr.X,
1. Assets in your account may be held by different depositories and custodians under IBKR’s street name, depending on the market. All non-HK traded assets are custodied with the relevant local custodian. For example, DTC for US stocks. Cash is segregated in different banks or custody accounts. All non-HKD or CNY deposit (“Foreign currencies”) are segregated in bank accounts outside of HK.
2. Yes. You can do so by to create a withdrawal instruction. Please refer to:
3. For Cap 241 Emergency Regulation Ordinance:
We cannot speculate on what the CE will do or will not do in relation to powers given to her under Hong Kong Laws, so we cannot comment on whether or how IBHK client accounts will be affected in the event that the CE decides to use her power to make regulation under the Emergency Regulation Ordinance without knowing what the actual regulation is.
For what measures we will take/ potential business disruption:
At this moment, Interactive Brokers Group is closely monitoring the developments in Hong Kong and has not identified any material impact to the stability of Hong Kong’s financial system. IBKR does not comment on rumors and speculation. However, please be assured that IBKR has a Business Continuity Plan in place to ensure we can provide client services in the unlikely event of a business disruption occurring in Hong Kong.
We will take steps to communicate with our clients in a timely manner if a potential business disruption event is identified.
Gabriel L
IBKR Client Services
由此可見,一旦出現了黑天鵝(例如真的動用了緊急法,或者香港的銀行體系真的崩潰)放在IB的非港元中國元現金和資產還是安全的,因為都是存放在香港以外,而且可以允許我們在香港以外以非香港戶口申請提款,加上IB總部和主要業務在美國,香港局勢對其影響有限,即使出事仍能提供客戶服務。 所以,雖然IB不像Ameritrade一樣能直接開到美國的證券戶口一樣安全,但是考慮到便利性(可以以港元支票免費入金)和匯率好(比很多找換店都要好),能投資多市場,低佣金低利率,我還是會繼續選用IB。
But IB hk clients do not have SIPC protection and are still governed by Hong Kong law. If you worry CCP one day goes crazy and take all your asset, IB hk does not really help. Also, if IB goes bust, hk clinet only has 150000 protection.
回覆刪除You should consider options of complete offshore provided by US such as Firsttrade